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Has the pandemic disrupted your plans for the future in any major way? If so, talk about the most significant disruption(s).

I was hoping to get pregnant again soon but my husband thinks it is a bad idea to get pregnant before we get the pandemic under control. I know he’s right, rationally, but we’re both older and frankly at the rate the US is going, or multiplying days might be over before we can slow the virus down, much less eradicate it. I actually love the idea of a totally private pregnancy. As much as I enjoyed showing off my belly, the long commute to and from work was terrible (especially having to pee ALL THE TIME) and I was nervous to tell anyone (not too soon, not too late....). Also, working from home more when I have to pump during the day?! Yes please!! Anyway even if I could convince him to see things my way, now he’s out of state helping the guard run vaccine clinics at least through March so I guess we all have at least a few more weeks to think (obsess) about it...

January 23, 2021

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