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How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting your life right now? Tell us about your experiences, feelings, and thoughts.

12/23/20 C has had covid, I didn't realize, I thought it was just her partner. Her leg is still hurting her a lot and she doesn't want to go to the doctor because she's uninsured. She does feel better though thank G-d. worry about her and wish there were more I could do. I think she was deliberately vague while she was sick so we wouldn't all worry about her, she only talked about her husband's symptoms. A local aid society had a special low cost holiday meal and we ordered two. How sweet! What a lovely thing to do. (It turned out to be not very much food and not really very good, but still a lovely thought) Slept badly, crying, kept feeling like I am stubbing my mind on my aunt being gone -- something sticking out that keeps causing unexpected surprise pain. Mediocre chat with R who was not focusing on me but lovely chat with T and then with B. But all feels so effortful, I can cobble together support but I have to work so hard at it, and being connected to my aunt was so easy! 12/24/20 S runs a half marathon for the first time! Definitely a pandemic project for him given the lack of gym access. He ran the whole way wearing a mask. L's relative in the hospital with a non-covid condition can only get one 1/2 hr visit a day because of Covid and has to be restrained while on ventilator. So very sad. 12/25/20 Miserable night of sleep, crying about my aunt (you left without saying goodbye!!) 12/26/20 Got to watch two premiering movies (Soul from Pixar, a lot of death! but sweet, and Wonder Woman 1984, utterly ghastly even though I love Gal Gadot) that we wouldn't have seen otherwise because it's so hard for me to go to movie theater, need a lot of special equipment and preparation and sometimes it's just not worth all the extra trouble and pain. Fun to have the pandemic streaming premieres. 12/28/20 Signed up for a remote grief support group. Would be a lot harder for me to access if it weren't over Zoom, the facilitator says she's never done one over Zoom before

December 30, 2020

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