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We hear a lot these days about the economic impact of the pandemic. Has this been on your mind? If so, tell us what you're thinking.

I resent the economy. Our leaders prioritized the economy over people's lives, because apparently people are interchangeable cogs in the all-important machine of the economy. If people had been put first, we might not have lost more than half a million Americans. If people had been put first, we might have been able to suppress the virus last year when we had the chance and the economy would not now be in such poor shape. If people had been put first, there might not be so many dangerous variants threatening all the progress in treatment and vaccinations that we've made. As tragic as this year has been, this far surpasses everything: when it happens again in the future (because it will), we will do the exact same thing. Everything good will always be sacrificed for economic growth.

March 22, 2021

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