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Has the pandemic affected your ability to accomplish your life goals or plans in any way? If so, share some examples.

All I have wanted since I was furloughed from my retail job is to feel that I have a purpose. When working, I have a purpose, helping customers, my co-workers and following through on my responsibilities at the store. I have not worked since the last week of February and I am in awe of how much time has passed. I am lucky that my co-workers are an extension of my family and we are in touch and I have visited the store a few times to see those who are working. It is beyond difficult to feel one has no purpose. I take care of many aspects of our home, but I am no housewife! Making a nice dinner for my husband and daughter does not give me purpose, but I wish it did. Let these vaccines move forward and let this come to a place where we are all safer and I can regain what I define as my purpose, to return to work and feel some sort of normalcy once again.

December 16, 2020

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