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How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting your life right now? Tell us about your experiences, feelings, and thoughts.

During the pandemic, one thing that has dramatically changed is my ability to touch the same objects as others with out worry of spreading disease. This shift has led to a large remodeling in how I interact with the outside world in a few senses. First and foremost it has changed the way I connect with my friends and loved ones; as some one who is very into cooking, Covid completely derailed my ability to show love through making my friends meals and baked goods. Over the course of these last few months I have had to look into different ways of spreading love that wasn't in the form of giving physical objects, which honestly has been an interesting but helpful process for me. Secondly, it redefined just what a quick trip to a store or shop entailed. Going into these establishments, browsing suddenly became a foreign concept- now when I go, I picked up only the items I need and strayed from touching anything I was not 100% going to buy. Even after that, the items bought have to be quickly sanitized and washed upon their return from the store, making any small purchase into a much larger process. Finally, not being able to touch objects without stress has changed the way I interact with strangers. No longer feeling able to throw a kids frisbee back when it lands near me with out feeling like I could have oversteps some ones comfort zone, or pick up something some one dropped has truly shifted the way interact with the outside world.

September 27, 2020

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