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Are you doing anything artistic or creative these days that you weren’t doing before? If so, talk about it.

This is a cake I have made twice; once for my niece's birthday in February, and it was so popular that her friend's mom wanted it for her birthday. However, since I won't be here then I made it for her for mother's day. I have been baking more - making bread which I was scared to do before. Making bread has a 'mythic' quality to it and many people are terrified of trying it - including me! - and I love cooking and do jams regularly. Anyway - I was sooo bored and under-utilized that I jumped in and made bread and have extended myself in baking as well. Cooking is the ONLY thing that I still feel competent to do at this point. And it gives me a joy from both completing the activity and feeding people.

May 15, 2021

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