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Are there any lessons you've learned from living through this pandemic that will stay with you, or that you'd want to share with others?

The biggest lessons I have learned are to slow down and notice…things oft ignored, walked over, stepped on, simply missed. And patterns are everywhere and in everything. The patterns of clouds blowing across the sky on a cloudy day, the patterns on a dragonfly’s wings, the veins in my husbands hands, the intricacies of a spiders web. The unseen patterns: of fear, of an unstructured day, a silent phone, a smile lost behind a mask. And the broken patterns… the empty calendar, the road as if falls apart, the church bell that rings but no one comes, the cancelled events, the comfort of a good solid hug. Slowing down and taking more notice has lead to appreciating the mundane more…slicing carrots and noticing the inside pattern radiating out, the stitches of the mending I’ve finally gotten to, watching a bee crawl into and out of a flower. My gratitude list grows daily.

March 7, 2022

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