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How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting your life right now? Tell us about your experiences, feelings, and thoughts.

This is the screen that you get when you try to get your parents, who are in their 70’s, a COVID vaccine. I have seen this woman’s face (from the CVS vaccine sign up page) at 4:30am, 5:00am, 6:00am and at random times in the afternoon. She looks happy. She is smiling. Anyone who has seen this face is likely as frustrated as I am. I blew a gasket the other day when I learned that more and more friends of mine are getting their shots. They are in their 40’s and 50’s, healthy and are eligible for the vaccine because they fit the definition of working in education (but they work from home and work admin jobs) and the like. Yet, there is a Facebook page of people pleading for help getting vaccines for their elderly relatives, or those with cancer - those who are most in need. Our health system - our American dream - is a game of grab a$$ medical care - take what you can get. Those with the resources play the lottery (or have someone else play for them) and hope their number comes up. It’s such BS and shameful. My parents have appointments later in the spring, they are safe and ok. They will be fine. But for all of those who can’t wait their turn: Shame. Shame. Shame. And shame on this system which is so broken it’s mind blowing. A rover lands on Mars and people are hitting refresh on the CVS website at 4:00 to help their family members. It’s disgusting.

March 5, 2021

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