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Do you feel a sense of solidarity with any particular group at this point in the pandemic? If so, which group(s) and why?

I don’t know if solidarity is the right word, but I can definitely relate to the op-eds that are becoming more common: vaccinated people angry at/done being nice to/tired of trying to empathize with people who won’t get vaccinated. I am trying not to think negative things about a while swath of the population that I’ve never met or talked to but it’s so easy to point my rage or frustration or exhaustion at this nameless faceless “THEM” when I’m panicking that my toddler hasn’t seen my parents in nearly two years and for all I know might not see them for another two years, or remember sadly how much she loved to go to restaurants or the grocery store, or when she asks me to come inside at her school and I have to remind her I can’t “because the virus”.

October 4, 2021

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