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Many of us have experienced restrictions on movement and social contact during the pandemic. Talk about any restrictions that have especially affected you.

South Africa started with a hard lock down, where for about 6 weeks we were not allowed to leave the house except to acquire groceries. Followed by another couple months where we could only leave to exercise outside for limited periods in the day. That was last year, but it set a precedent and new routine for my daily life, of not really doing... Anything. Before I was out of the house for work and then usually sport (Ultimate, been cancelled ever since, and rock climbing, which I've stopped doing because the gym is too far from home) late into most evenings. Now I've swapped a pretty long commute for more work hours, and after work I cook and watch TV most days. Part of me likes the lazy, part of me hates myself for it. A lot of my social interaction came from Ultimate and other big group activities that are no longer permitted, so its5 been hard not to have that exposure to people,like, in general. For me that cliche of forgetting how to have a normal conversation I think rings true. There are plenty of other restrictions too, like travel and alcohol sales which have affected me physically but not really psychologically, I don't think

February 16, 2021

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