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Some people are feeling intense feelings right now as a result of the pandemic. Is anything making you especially sad, angry, or hopeful right now? If so, what's on your mind?

I am sad and angry of the injustice and blatant racism in America right now. It's mind boggling to me that in the year 2020 we still have to explain what white privilege is. That we still have police brutality. I am angry our government has made the nation divided ten fold than what we used to be. I am angry at our president for everything from his racist tweets to moving peaceful protesters so he can do a photo op at a church holding a bible. I have been trying to educate myself more on black history and racism as a white woman in America. I will never understand what any POC has to go through on a daily basis but will try with all my heart to be empathetic and educate myself the best I can.

June 25, 2020

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