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How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting your life right now? Tell us about your experiences, feelings, and thoughts.

After almost a year and a half of maintaining at least 6 ft of social distance, I have a very hard time when a stranger stands closer to me than that, even though I'm fully vaccinated. Today I was in line at the grocery store and a man came up and stood right behind me, at most 2 feet away. It made me really uncomfortable and anxious. Plus he wasn't wearing a mask, which also doesn't really matter now that I'm vaccinated, but it just made it worse for my anxiety level. The same thing happened a few weeks ago. I get really angry and want to turn around and scream, "6 feet, people! 6 feet!" But I don't say anything because I hate to make a scene. And honestly, I'm afraid the person might be aggressive. So I just keep trying to inch forward to get away from them. Of course it doesn't work because they just inch forward, too. I by nature have a large personal space, so social distancing has been quite comfortable for me with strangers (not with family or friends, though—I want to be able to be close to them). But I was okay with a couple of feet between me and other people. I don't know how long it will take me to be able to stand comfortably any closer than 6 feet now.

June 3, 2021

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