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What do you think was the biggest news event this past week -- either in your community, nationally, or globally? Talk about why it’s a big deal.

Oh, by far the biggest news this week was the announcement that the remains of 215 First Nations children have been discovered on the grounds of a Catholic run residential school in Kamloops. Since the church has a long, long history of preying on the weak, the poor and indigenous populations in general, I sadly admit it wasn’t as shocking to me as it might have been. The sheer quantity of children dying and not being returned to their families for a decent burial was shocking but it’s time to rip the fucking bandage off and have the grounds of every residential school searched, right across this country. These children need to be repatriated to their families and I hope to hell that the perverted staff who did this are outed (dead or alive) and that the Catholic Church and the federal government not only pay the bills for the search,testing and repatriation but that a heaping dose of hot coals ends up on the heads of both entities for their part in these children’s deaths. Also, screw the Catholic Church for not every TRYING to apologize by this date for their role in this outrageous scheme to brainwash children and in covering up the deaths. This religion is one of the leaders in toxic treatment of children and those less fortunate, I hope there is some kind of hell since they really need to end up roasting in it.

June 3, 2021

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