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Talk about what you think the world will be like after the pandemic is over.

When the coronavirus pandemic is over the world will be a much different place than it was in February 2020. Millions will have perished from this virus. The families of the dead will continue to suffer greatly from the loss of their loved ones. Many millions more will die not from the virus itself but from one of a number of human errors that is tragic in scope. Many more people will die from hunger and starvation. People will die from lack of medical care for other diseases from a lack of medical resources. For those who manage to survive past these issues many will be poor perhaps for the first time in their lives. Downward mobility will be the next normal and the chasm between the haves and the have nots will widen. Violence and hatred will erupt all over the planet and if anyone is paying attention, this has already started. Yes, the world will be a much different place.

April 25, 2021

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