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How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting your life right now? Tell us about your experiences, feelings, and thoughts.

Going back into the office now requires checking my temperature, filling out a form affirming that I am healthy and to the best of my knowledge have not been exposed to anyone with the virus in the past 14 days and my signature on a waiver holding my employer harmless if I get the virus while in the office. Yet I’m glad to be back, even if it just a day every other week. It has helped my mental health. I’m also working harder at taking care of my physical health. The rowing machine I ordered came this week and I took it for a five minute test run. I think I am going to very much enjoy using it. Even with that, I notice that I eat the damn donut once in a while instead of dithering over how bad it is for me. That is a pretty good change.

July 12, 2021

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