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How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting your life right now? Tell us about your experiences, feelings, and thoughts.

Now that it looks like the pandemic will be over in a few months (because we will all be vaccinated), I'm starting to get a bit sad and anxious. I grew to like my pandemic routines and working from home. I guess there are some things I look forward to like seeing friends more often, eating out, going to movies, traveling, etc. So there are good things I want to do. I just hope I can hold on to some of the new habits I gained during the pandemic such as daily walks in the park, more frequent zoom calls with friends and family outside my city, and eating healthier at home. I hope my life doesn't get cluttered again with a lot of superficial nonsense. I want to keep good boundaries about what I let into my life post-pandemic, what I spend time on, and who I spend time with.

March 13, 2021

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